What is SGX Nifty
SGX NIFTY stands for Singapore Nifty Traded on Singapore exchange, SGX Nifty is also considered as a proxy of Indian Nifty traded at Singapore Stock Exchange. SGX Nifty opens at 9.00 A.M at Singapore stock exchange, before Two and half hours in terms of the Indian market opens.The Futures contracts traded on SGX Nifty will be settled on the basis of Nifty settlement price according to National stock exchange of India. SGX Nifty is also very useful to traders and investors located out side Singapore, because it gives the option of investing on Indian stock markets without having register in India. Because of these reasons many Indian traders are interested to track SGX Nifty live quotes, SGX Nifty is opened at 6.30 A.M according to Indian standard time (IST) on all working days. Thus, SGX Nifty gives a initial direction to Indian Markets.